Gynecomastia can be described as female-type breast growth in men. Gynecomastia may physiologically occur at three different stages in life: First is the gynecomastia that develops at the neonatal stage depending on the estrogens passed on to the baby from his mother, the second is the gynecomastia that occurs during puberty, and the third is the gynecomastia that occurs in later in life when testosterone levels relatively drop and estrogen levels increase. Aside from those, there are also cases of gynecomastia that occur due to unknown reasons and without being a result of any pathology, which make up eighty percent of all gynecomastia cases. Another group is the gynecomastia that develops as a result of different pathologies, which can be successfully treated following several examinations and tests.
Gynecomastia is further grouped as grade 1, 2 and 3 gynecomastia. In general, in each grade of gynecomastia, the problem can be solved in 90% of my patients with liposuction performed through a couple of incisions of half a centimeter using VASER, i.e. ultrasonic liposuction method. With this method, it is possible to obtain highly satisfactory results and win back the individual who has lost his ties to the society due to this condition.
Men suffering from gynecomastia, don’t you worry! You will be able to freely go swimming 3 to 4 weeks after having the operation!